
Sunday 25 February 2024

And Still They Come: Recent Arrivals at the Light Sheet

 Recent extended periods of rain have probably contributed to the large numbers of insects that are coming to our light sheet. The rainy period seems to be responsible for some insect populations to have produced abnormally large numbers of individuals.

Remember to click on the image to enlarge

Webber's Caedicia Caedicia webberi
Kuranda Bush Katydid Ozphyllum kuranda
The Eumundi, Leucopodoptera eumundii male in defensive position
The Eumundi, Leucopodoptera eumundii male
Purple-winged Katytid, Kurandoptera purpura female
Greenes' Katydid Greenagraecia attenuata male

Ingrisch's Olive-green Katytdid Ingrischagraecia iterika male
Big-headed Raspy Cricket Chauliogryllacris acaropenates

Small Mediastinia Mediastinia australica 

Rosenbergia megalocephala
Rosenbergia drouini a rarity!
Rentz's Buzzer Aesa rentzi

Elephant-nosed weevil
Noctuidae Cyclodes spectans
Noctuidae Donuca rubropicta
Noctuidae Hulodes caranea
Noctuidae Ischyja sp
Crambid moths responsible for stripping Alstonia trees in the Kuranda region. Stemorrhages amphitritalis
Stalk-headed Fly Achias sp
An icon of tropical Australia
Rainbow Stag Beetle Female Phalacrognathus muelleri 
Janson's Stag Beetle Aegus jansoni

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