
Tuesday, 13 December 2016

A Few Nice Moths

Spring and summer is the time for the larger moths. Here is a sample from the Kuranda Rainforest.

Remember to click on the image to enlarge.
Anthelidae; Anthela astata
Crambidae; Pygospila hyalotypa
 Sphingidae; Ambulyx dohertyi male 
 Arctiidae; Amerila nigropunctata
 Xyloryctidae; Cryptophasa xylomima
 Uraniidae; Epiplema sp
 Geometridae;  Gonodontis sp
Geometridae; Anisozyga fascinans 
 Lacturidae; Eustixis leucophthalma 
 Noctuidae; Leucania yu
 Oecophoridae; Stathmopoda sp 
Limacodidae; Chalcocelis albiguttatus female
Crambidae; Caprinia felderi
 Noctuidae; Cyclodes spectans
 Crambidae; Cirrhochrista annulifera
Geometridae; Gastriodes bitaeniaria 
 Geometridae; Pingasa nobilis
Crambidae; Theila siennata
Crambidae; Nausinoe globulipedalis
Drepanidae; Tridrepana lunulata 

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