Friday, 1 July 2011

An Odd Moth

The recent spate of wet warm weather has prompted an extraordinary emergence of moths.

This is Krananda extranotata Prout, family Geometridae; Ennominae. Some years ago when I first encountered it, I thought that the generic name was a annotation of "Kuranda" but since the type species of the genus was from Bengal, it has a different meaning. The generic name probably refers to an Asian word that means "tambourine", probably a reference to the translucent appearance of the moth.

Australia seems to have only one species in the genus and it seems uncommon around Kuranda.


  1. What a speccy moth. 'll have to keep my eyes open for that one. Completely new to me.

  2. Looks like a moth that died & dried out!

  3. No, it's alive and rather large, about 4.5 cm across.
    This is a great place for moths.
