Friday 27 May 2011

More Moths

There seems to be an unending parade of moths to the lights each night. For one interested in studies of colour and from, this is surely the place to be.
Aethaloessa calidalis, family Pyralidae; Pyraustinae. This moth seems most active during the day. The bright orange colour is probably a warning to vertebrates to stay away.
Pollanisus sp., family, Zygaenidae.There are a number of species in the genus. All the adults are rather elegant small moths. The larvae probably feed on the leaves of Hibbertia sp.
Saptha libanota, family Choreutidae seems to be a diurnal species. Nothing is known of the larval habits of this species.
Lyclene pyraula, family Arctiidae, another common visitor at the lights that is seldom encountered during the day. Fresh moths are always spectacular.
Asota orbona; family Aganidae, female.
Anomis flava (Fabricius), family Noctuidae; subfamily Catocalinae, is an old name as its author Fabricius indicates. This moth in the Ethiopian and Oriental regions and in the islands of the Pacific as well as northern and Easter Australia. The larva feeds on cotton and other malvaceous plants.
Bracca rotundata Butler, family Geometridae; subfamily Ennominae, has a narrow range from Cooktown to Eungella, Queensland. It seems to be avoided by birds. Moths attracted to the light sheet remain there throughout the day, undisturbed by the variety of birds that eat the other moths.
Phazaca mutans, family Uraniidae, subfamily Epipleminae has an unusual stance that contributes to its resembling an imperfection in a leaf.
Vitessa zemire, family Pyralidae, subfamily Pyralinae, is an example of a moth with connections to India and the Pacific. It is less common than many other moths. It
Glyphodes canthusalis (Walker), family Pyralidae; subfamily Pyraustinae, has a rather narrow distribution in rainforests from Cape York to northern New South Wales.
Spodoptera picta (Guen.-Men.) is broadly distributed from Asia, India and the Pacific where it extends south from Thursday Island to central New South Wales. The larva lives on Crinum lilies, a number of which are native, and others are introduced. These lilies are widely used as garden plants and the moths spread in this manner.
Daphnis placida, family Sphingidae, subfamily Macroglossinae, is common in the Northern Territory and eastern Australia from Torres Strait to northern New South Wales. The larvae feed on the rainforest tree Alstonia constricta and Ervantamia angustisepala.
Nacoleia diemenalis (Guen.), family Pyralidae, subfamily Pyraustinae, is a leaf-roller and causes damage to a number of crops. Garden beans are a favourite. It is a widespread moth and is known from Africa, India, indonesia and Taiwan as well as Austrlia.
Nyctemera secundiana, family Arctiidae, subfamily Arctiinae. This is a widespread and common species that seems to be active day and night. It's slow-flying habit suggests that it is "advertising" to the vertebrate community that it is distaseful and should be avoided.
The same species in typical resting posture.
This is Utetheisa aegrotum, family Arctiidae, subfamily Arctiinae. It is hard to believe that it is in a different genus from Nyctemera. Note the spots on the thorax as opposed to the stripes on the thorax of the former.


  1. Amazing moth photos and amazing moths. It's a whole new world.

  2. Hi Dave
    Lovely collection of striking Moths.
    Many are far more colourful than their southern cousins.
    I am impressed with Daphnis placida.
    By the way, I will send you several insect images for assistance with IDs, tonight. I am totally stumped on both (one is a larval form shich always makes it hard).

  3. Thank you for the photo and identification of the Anomis flava (Fabricius) moth. I think that one visited us (in inner-city sydney) back in March - I blogged - though my photos aren't nearly as beautiful as yours... thanks again


    Thanks for giving such a nice info.

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  7. Gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing them.

  8. oh my GOODness what an amazing array of exciting moths. Lucky you and wonderful job re: photographs!

  9. Thanks Bio

    Some say I have too many moths on this blog. But they just keep coming! They seem to be the dominant group coming to lights on a nightly basis.
