Sunday 7 January 2024

Recent Arrivals!

 The rains associated with Cyclone Jasper have prompted many insects to emerge and complete their life cycles. Here are just a few. All from the rainforest in Kuranda, far north Queensland.

Remember to click on the image to enlarge.

The Large Forest Pyrgomorph, Desmoptera truncatipennis Sjostedt, male
                             The Large Forest Pyrgomorph, Desmoptera truncatipennis Sjostedt, female
The Small Snub-nosed Katydid, Chloracantha lampra Hebard, male.
This katydid is a relatively common member of the rainforest understorey.
Scarab beetles are often very metallic. They are favourites of beetle collectors.

The White-footed Katydid, Leucopodoptera eumundii Rentz and Webber, male.
This katydid has a fairly extensive geographic range, extending from Cooktown to Bartle Frere and the Atherton Tablelands. 
There are scores of weevil species. This two-spotted little gem is a first time sighting.
The "elephant weevil" is  very large for a weevil. It is extremely hard-bodied and a challenge to beetle collectors to pin.
Cicadas usually emerge from their subterranean life style at night and commence their brief time as adults. They emerge after dark for several reasons: the "cover" of darkness protects them from birds, lizards and other predators; the increased humidity after dark aids in successfully emerging from the tight quarters of the larval skin; usually winds decrease after dark and this further aids the cicada so that the delicate wings will not get twisted and rumpled if blown in the wind. After emergence it will take several hours for the adult cicada to harden so it can fly off at dawn.
The Ginger Katydid, Xingbaoia karakara Rentz, female. This is a nocturnal predatory katydid common in rainforests over a rather narrow geographic range from Cape Tribulation to Innisfail and the Atherton Tablelands. The common name relates the association the species has with native gingers. Females oviposit (lay their eggs) in the leaf axils of native ginger plants. The generic name commemorates an honour to a Chinese colleague, Dr Xing-bao Jin and the specific name is derived from an aboriginal word for "gold", an allusion to the discovery of such a unique rainforest insect.
Kuranda Caedicia, Caedicia kuranda Rentz, Su, Ueshima, male. One of the many species in the large genus Caedicia
Kuranda Speckled Katydid, Diastella kuranda Rentz, Su, Ueshima, female. The spot is distinctive of this and the other two species in the genus. The spot is individually variable in size and colour.
Night is often a good time to photograph dragonflies.
The Kuranda Spotted Katydid, Ephippitytha kuranda Rentz, Su, Ueshima, female. This is a fairly common species in northern rainforests. It has a relative that lives in the interior of the continent in much more arid habitats.
Lipararchis tranquillalis Crambidae, a lovely moth
Speiredonia mutabilis Noctuidae, a not-so-common visitor to the light sheet.

Jasper Aftermath

 Calm conditions and beautiful weather has returned to north Queensland. However, the aftermath of Cyclone Jasper has left many people without their homes, cars and precious possessions. Several important roads remain closed and others are in precarious condition.

Remember to click on the image to enlarge.

 Piles of branches and othere rubble await pick-up from the Mareeba Shire Council.
The creek, although still brown with silt, has receded to its normal level.

The Cattana tip is a sad sight with hundreds of white goods--washing machines, dryers, stoves and computers, TV's and sofas discarded.
The insurance adjusters are in heavy demand. Future premiums will probably be unaffordable.

Let's hope life can get back to "normal" before too long.