Monday 20 November 2023

Mass Emergence: Termites

 On the morning of 20 November 2023 the small dome of Termes sp. located near the Brush Turkey mound erupted for about a half hour with thousands of alate (winged) reproductive termites taking flight. This was noted before in this Blog on 20 September 2010 from the same mound. See: The weather was cloudy and it has not rained for weeks. So just what triggered the emergence is hard to say.  If it rains later in the day, then maybe the termites are good weather forecasters.

Click on the photo to enlarge

Close examination will reveal that the mound is completely covered with termites that are about to fly off.
One of the flying termites. 

Having mated, females select a suitable site for a new nest and commence housekeeping. Only an extremely small percentage of individuals are successful in establishing a new nest. Birds, lizards, insects and other wildlife feast on the insects and other environmental factors limit successful establishment of a nest.

Tuesday 14 November 2023

Cassowary update 2

 The young cassowaries are growing nicely despite the extraordinary dry conditions that we have at present. It seems that there are palm fruits and other rainforest trees dropping fruits and flowers that they eat to sustain them. The stream is still running so there is no thirst problem. Hopefully the chicks are beyond the desires of the local goannas. Wild pigs might be a problem should they encounter the sleeping birds at night.

Remember to click on the image to enlarge

Mr Cassowary and the three chicks.
Mrs Cassowary presents no threat to the chicks but the male bird gives way when she appears. He moves well away and waits until she leaves. The chicks wander around under her feet and she makes no threatening moves.

Cattana Wetlands Night Walk 11 November 2023

Cattana Wetlands is a developing coastal rainforest north of Cairns, Queensland. It was once a sugarcane field but the Cattana family gifted the area to the Cairns Regional Council for natural replanting. Ponds were already present at the site and have been naturally populated by aquatic plants, fish, insects AND the odd crocodile.  Replanting of thousands of trees and shrubs has been undertaken largely by the volunteers of the Friends of the Cairns Botanic Gardens

It is remarkable to see the growth of trees and shrubs over a ten year period. The Friends have had a number of Night Walks and Moth Nights to stimulate interest. In addition, Bird Walks, Bat Nights and Fish Surveys have proved popular. An astronomical night is planned as some of the open areas and lack of ambient light seem perfect for star gazers. As with many tropical activities, the weather can be a problem.

Remember to click on the photos to enlarge

Green Lacewing, Chrysopidae
Glyphodes multilinealis, Crambidae

Oenospila flavifusata, Geometridae

Thalassodes pilaria, Geometridae

Asura sp, Arctiidae

  Haritalodes sp., Geometridae BR

Agrotera sp. Crambidae
Palpita sp., Crambidae


Calolampa sp., Blaberidae, BR

Balta sp female on Lomandra flower spike, Ectobiidae
                                                 Balta sp female on Lomandra flower spike
Carbrunneria maxi, Ectobiidae
                                                           Carbrunneria maxiEctobiidae
Neomantis australis, Iridopterygidae
Xanthogryllacris punctipennis, Gryllacrididae, last instar male
Nunkeria sp., Gryllacrididae